Street art is very energetic, it's imaginative, captivating, and it's an expression of freedom, just like nature.
Brazilian street artist Fábio Gomes Trindade is truly inspired by nature. Trindade combines the urban environment with the natural setting. He incorporates real trees on wall art (giving the impression of it being hair) into his paintings of women and children that he portrays.
“Although I don’t consider myself a Black activist, I always wanted to portray Black women with their natural beauty in a majestic way. The beauty of Black women always enchanted me, and I work hard to pay a beautiful homage to all Black women.” – Fábio Gomes Trindade (street art utopia)
We are truly impressed by his ingenuity. Some of his well known work, completed by nature, is featured below.
Nature truly inspires!
The ANH&F Team
Image credits: Fabio Gomes Trindade