Spending time in nature is nurturing to the human mind, body and soul. Being in our natural setting delivers a multitude of benefits for both mental and physical wellbeing. There is an immense healing power and a sense of freedom which allows you explore and experience the natural environment.
If we think about where we love spending most of our time, it is often exploring, discovering, and connecting with the natural wonders of the Earth. Whether it is a forest, the jungle, the desert, mountains, beaches and coast lines, these spaces create an appreciation of the natural environment.
The human connection to nature is undeniable. We intuitively know when we see nature, we want to be a grand part of it. That’s what many travel stories are all about! It’s an experience that invites open ended interactions with not only nature, but other people, all in the natural world.
The ANH&F Team
Riviera Maya, Mexico