Introduction to series
In the Jungle is the modern day story of ‘Tarzan’, a symbol of the perfect relationship between nature and humans. Growing up in the natural environment (African Jungle) and learning to live and appreciate nature and all that it has to offer is truly inspiring. Learning to live amongst other species, in nature, is something we should all be more of a part of.
Modern humans live in a world that has become increasingly globalized and interconnected where people have become increasingly isolated from nature.
Live more amongst nature like George. The ideal living experience is to be more amongst nature. Nature itself is like a paradise untouched my man. In a world free of humankind, there is a preserved abundance of food and animals. It is better to understand nature, rather than feel threatened by it. What can nature do for me and what can I do for nature?
In a world that would truly be ‘raw’, we would not be experiencing stress, anxiety or other man-made troubles that we know today. Mankind has created these states of ‘being’ that would otherwise be unnatural to the human species.
Nature has an intrinsic value that humans should explore more. What we mean by this is that humans naturally belong in, and around nature. This is our natural environment. In the modern world that we exist in, this has been taken away by human industrialization and growth. Colonization has seen humans destroy and deplete our natural resources, hence, the destruction of nature through pollution and invasion of human habits, all for gain, power and economic growth.
Be motivated by knowledge. Becoming one with nature and respecting nature and what it has to offer is more significant than needing to overpower it for industrialization.
This is a journey about learning to live in harmony with nature, through understanding and respect.
The ANH&F Team