Butterflies represent deep and powerful ‘transformation’ on all levels. The butterfly life cycle is one of the most amazing transformations - the metamorphosis of a butterfly is considered one of the most fascinating transformations in nature. Butterflies go through four major stages of metamorphosis: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis (pupa) and adult. In the end it becomes a breathtaking spectacle of beauty, time to be a butterfly. To become a butterfly, the caterpillar needs to let go of everything it was and has ever known, and embrace a new transformation, filled with new possibilities and a whole new way of living. We can see the majestic beauty of ‘discovery’, and ‘life’, in this process - to go through a powerful transformation and emerge with a stronger connection to living with purpose, a new way of being and doing - we can learn that change can be a wonderful thing.
One of the most important meanings the butterfly brings, is a personal transformation, and joy. Its dance, as it flitters, reflects the need for movement - from where we are, to our next moment of being. Each of us has the inner power to re-shape and re-sculpt our mind, body and soul. We transform through experiences in our life. If we set aside our fears and trust that we are meant to make a transformation that will bring great change in our lives, we will believe in possibilities. The butterfly magic, is the magic of ‘believing’. Believing is the first step in accomplishing anything you set out to do. If you believe that it is possible, you will find a way, regardless of obstacles, and if you don’t, the obstacles will stop you.
With self-reflection, self-awareness, and making different choices for ourselves, we can experience release and freedom, and see new possibilities. ‘Letting go’ of old behaviours (mindset and attitude) will help us emerge into who we will be next. We are all unique creation, we are all intelligent, and we are all magical. The only constant in this life time is that we are always changing.
Change ensures growth. Change brings hope and different life. If you know it’s time for a change, break free from the past, release fears, and give way to new ideas, new activities, and new ways. Embrace a new path, new possibilities, a new way of being, and a whole new way of living. Remember, growth and change do not have to be dramatic, change can be as gentle and as joyful as one wants. Just choose to start and take small steps along the way.
We are all capable, and we all have the drive of a butterfly to go through the process. It’s time to spread your wings and fly high. We all have dreams, and by developing our ‘self’, we can achieve those dreams.
The ANH&F Team