To overcome a fear, you must face it. You gain your freedom when you conquer your fears, so don’t be afraid to face your situation, or reality, it will help you let go of anxiety and other negative thoughts and emotions. Here are some tips on how we practice ‘overcoming our fears’.
Becoming aware of your fears, self-awareness as such, can help prevent you from doing things you would normally do when you experience fear. When you recognise you are in ‘fear mode’, and you are experiencing a fearful moment, think about what is happening to you (your actions and feelings), and understand that you change how you react in this moment. Focus on breathing, find your calm and use rational thought, where you are relaxed and not anxious, and let the fear pass - clear the path forward. You are not your fear.
Nature calms, so calm your fears. Going outside in nature can help clear your thoughts, reduce stress and anxiety, and change your mood. Peace lives in you, so working towards more inner peace is a part of the process of letting your fears go.
Having an active imagination can also help lower fear. It’s powerful. Just image that things are going to go well - see the beauty in creativity and ability, then, you see the possibilities, and not the fears and complexities.
Focus your efforts and concentrate on what you can control. You don’t need others’ approval, you control your fear, and you can choose positive thoughts, actions and behaviours. You determine what matters - be true to yourself.
Letting go and forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes will help you focus on the future. Create a new reality in your present, and future. Move forward with an evolved mindset, attitude and behaviour.
Be determined. Don’t give up so easily. You need to experiment, and stay motivated. Good things come in time. You are where you are meant to be. Strength and persistence pays off.
"If At First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again" – Proverb.
Live in the present moment (mindfulness) - look at what you can do now, stop looking at the past.
Have courage - life is meant to be experienced. Transformation is possible: step out of your comfort zone, keep yourself open to new possibilities, and develop new habits that will help your personal growth.
Picture the end result. It doesn’t happen overnight, with great commitment comes next steps and significant accomplishments - celebrate your wins.
Fear is activated when we are focused on the past or the future. As we move into a state of letting go of fear, we begin to experience the accessible. Live better. Live now. Don’t live with fear.
The ANH&F Team
We saw this awesome motorbike classic at the beach and took a snapshot. Love the number plate!!! - ANH&F