YOU have the power to reinvent your life - Your happiness is in your hands
Every person's life experiences are unique and therefore each individual will have their own unique experiences of happiness. As we progress through different life stages, our happiness evolves, it blossoms with every experience. Understanding how to be happier, to appreciate and enjoy life more, is ultimately each individual’s responsibility.
There are no specific components to being happy (and happiness is defined differently by each individual), but rather, finding happiness is more about changing our mindset (our thoughts; way of thinking), attitude (our approach; emotions), and behaviour (our choices).
When we feel happy, we are experiencing positive emotions – These are ‘feel good’ moments that enhance our well-being. Everyone has the power to make small changes in their life that can help set a course for a happier life. Forming healthy habits is a wonderful approach to creating a happier life experience. Happiness begins from within – It’s an extraordinary mind, body and soul (wholesome) transformation.
Pursuing happiness - Healthy habits:
Smile and laugh more - take on the happy glow, it's a natural mood booster (get those happy, feel-good hormones dancing; it creates positive energy and inspiration; it's appealing, and it creates an uplifting environment). Please see the attached document for more information on 'Happy Hormones'.
Appreciate your ‘Self’ (you are you, so embrace who you are; happiness often comes from within).
Surround yourself with happy people (bring an element of positive outlook to your life; it's very likely that their happiness will spread to you).
Appreciate health and well-being (lifestyle factors can make a difference to your happiness; make changes that will help you be a healthier person, it's a big part of feeling more content).
Practice positive psychology (focus your energy on more positive influences and balance your emotions - learn how to tame negative thoughts and approach every day with optimism).
Make time to exercise (boost your health, fitness and well-being).
Let go (forgive yourself and others, knowing we are all on our own learning and growth journey).
Make way for more positive chapters in your life (take life’s challenges as lessons, put them in your past, and consider yourself stronger for overcoming these challenges).
Practice gratitude and savour your daily experiences (give thanks - be grateful for your blessings; appreciate and enjoy the little things ‘stop and smell the roses’, this improves your mood and health).
Experience positive emotions (look on the bright side of things; feel more positive than negative; filter out and let go of the negative emotions; focus on the present moment and the possibilities).
Develop and value authentic relationships (quality relationships make us happier; be your true authentic self, and connect with others that are also genuine).
Live in flow. Find your flow (living in flow creates bliss; where actions and feelings are in harmony; take small steps, every day, clearing out the non-essential and do the things you love to do).
Do activities that you enjoy more (spend more time doing the things you love and enjoy).
Set your intention, whatever the goal or objective, and start taking small steps daily towards achieving these things.
Build a meaningful life (money doesn’t buy happiness - a life lived with purpose is a life better lived).
The ANH&F Team